Thu, 24.05.2012

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 23.5.2012: African, Asian & some rocking Swiss

Dear friends
Enjoy your long weekend!
Give my love to the city, Ron
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Zurich Photo Trip
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Traces of daily life
One of my favourite artists exhibits in Zurich: Onur Dinc. The native Turk became a recognized name in the international art scene throughout the last years. In his photo-realistic images, he captures moments of everyday life and frees the instant in time with a lot of expressivity.  With various paint utensils – his tool of choice is the paint roller - and collage techniques he creates fundamental feelings on large canvases. The exhibition at the Trace Gallery lasts until 21st of June.  
Opening: Thursday 6 pm, Trace Gallery, Militärstrasse 76
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Africa is here
At Afro-Pfingsten you find everything that you connect with Africa – except the wildlife. Great food, markets where you find anything the heart desires, street artists, hot rhythm and a good vibe.  It started yesterday, but you can visit the exhibitions with current African artists throughout the weekend until Palm Monday. In the evenings there are food stalls, films and from Friday concerts, concerts, concerts! Programme
23.-28. May, Winterthur Old Town and Katharina Sulzer-Platz
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Best pictures
If you’re in town over the long Palm weekend, the photo exhibition at ewz selection – the best of Swiss photography - is still taking place until the 28th of May. I can recommend their event on Friday: 31 Days, 31 Ways, 31 Minds. Photographer Stephan Schacher asked 31 people in New York, how they would change the world in 31 days. He now repeated this project in Zurich. On Friday, he talks about his work and his experiences. And until Friday evening you can still vote on the best Ron Orp Community picture and win a Canon Camera. The winner will be announced on Friday at 11.30 pm.
Friday 8 pm, ewz-Unterwerk Selnau
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Italian Dinner


A culinary dinner awaits in central Zurich at Restaurant Milano. You'll be served tender stripes of chicken and a sweet dessert. Enjoy the Italian hospitality and the dinner for two or four. This great offer is available to you from only CHF 27.

Rock will never die

If you’re looking to wig out to some long dead classic rock bands in concert there seems to me only 3 ways to do it: you can Tupac hologram them back to life, you can invent a time machine fuelled by patchouli oil and set it to the heart of the 60’s or you can go to the History of Rock festival at Alte Kaserne. Many bands including Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Pink Floyd and The Who are all appearing, in tribute form, throughout the next two weekends. They may not be the real thing but if you squint a little and inhale some leftover patchouli oil, you’ll be at Woodstock in no time.
Friday to Sunday 25th-27th May and Friday/Saturday 1st-2nd June 19:30 pm, Alte Kaserne

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Spin the dj

Chaos theory may be at the cutting edge of science but that doesn’t mean it can’t be put in service of a great party and with this in mind, Plaza are putting on a Track Roulette night this Saturday. The idea is that 14 djs are primed and ready to go, as one record spins to an end, a number is randomly generated to pick the next dj, who then plays his (or her) track. A dose of crowd jeering will also move the dj along. Leaving the running order and style of tunes in the lap of the gods, and a restless audience, seems like a perfectly good use of chaos to me.
Saturday 11 pm, Plaza

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Now it begins

Forget about the changing of the clocks; there’s only one way to really know that summer time is finally upon us – Primitivo is re-opening this weekend. The place has been scrubbed up, rebuilt and will be waiting for you with it’s bar, kitchen, grill and sun decks this Sunday. A great selection of local djs has also been invited down to make sure things get off to a shining start. The one proviso is that it’s only happening if the weather is good! Of course it’ll be good. Trust me.
Sunday 2 pm, Primitivo

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Meet the artist

Elena Habicher was born in Tajikistan but has made her way, via Russia, to Zurich where she now lives and creates her fantastic artwork. Always existing in the blurry regions between dark and light, love and hate, her artwork is never fixed to space or time, and by using unusual mixes of media to push at traditional art limits she creates images and objects that have the vibrancy of new life. She has her opening night next Wednesday, where you can meet her, as she begins a 5-week exhibition at AB Gallery called Anymore Anyway.
Wednesday to 7th July, 5 pm, AB Gallery, Klausstrasse 23, 8008

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Asian delight
The Thai restaurant FiveSpice at Zweierstrasse could also be called five stars. Well, at least this would be the grade I’d give them. Tasty curries and exotic salads are served by a friendly staff. The venue is simple but nice, central and the prices very reasonable. The menu ranges from noodle and rice dishes to curries and stir fries - and everything we tried tasted wonderful. The only two minus points I’d give: None of the meat is from Switzerland (or Europe) and all (!) my clothes carried that kitchen smell afterwards. But as I own a washing machine and like vegetarian food, I’ll certainly be back.
FiveSpice, Zweierstrasse 106, 8003 Zurich
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Good to know
Many of you often think that I'm joking when I'm referring to the former “dancing ban” on bank holidays in Zurich. So I’ll take you on a little historic tour. Until the millennium, no cultural or sports events were allowed on religious holidays (Easter, Palm weekend, Christmas). This meant: no cinema, no parties, no anything. In the year 2000, this ban was lifted in the Canton of Zurich; but only indoors. Non-religious outdoor events are still not allowed. But the Cantonal parliament is currently discussing to lift the ban altogether. I’ll keep you informed. The ban is still in place in six Cantons in Switzerland: Aargau, Glarus, Uri, Obwalden, Solothurn and Appenzell Innerrhoden.
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Fashion loves music loves fashion
The makers from the British fashion label Fortyounce design cool t-shirts and accessories. And regularly compile their favourite hits to playlists. These you can download for free on their website. The free-equals-no-good-rule doesn’t apply here. Their music and fashion are both invaluable and trendy.
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Urban Signs Photo Trip
This picture is from PhiV, where is yours?  Upload own pictures  See more pictures  
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