Thu, 28.02.2013

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 28.2.2013: From the back, local natives & rip-off

Zurich Photo Trip
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Pink Inside
Last June, the Swiss label Pink Inside launched its first collection – of ballerinas. Today, 4 different models in 50 colours are available. And as spring is coming soon (Easter is just a month away) you might want to stock up on lighter shoe wear. You can order the shoes on their website or visit the pop-up shop at Neumarkt 24 which is open a few times per year. And also right now: Until Friday they’re having a 50% discount sale.
Thursday & Friday 10 am to 6.30 pm, Neumarkt 24
A bit of Zurich, a bit of Berlin. Adrian Hoenicke took 1800 pictures of cyclists in the two cities, while cycling himself, creating a humorous image of urban society. Even if you don’t know the people on the photos personally, you’ll recognize them: the trendy girl on the racing bike, the housewife with helmet on her city bike, the sporty guy on his mountain bike… And if you recognize yourself on one of the images, you’ll get a framed copy for free. The exhibition is displayed at Blckrm Gallery at Idaplatz until Sunday.
Thursday until Sunday 5-9 pm, Idaplatz 2
Go see goose

Being an AC/DC covers band may not be the most obvious place to begin life if you want to be an electronic-indie-disco-pop band, but it doesn’t seem to have done Goose much harm, and with the clash of genres that this Belgium band have going on, it may have been the only place to start. They will be playing live at Hive tonight and I have 2 x 2 tickets to give away. E-mail me.
Thursday 10 pm, Hive


Every birth is a little miracle 


The Klinik Im Park invites expectant parents to the Birth Experience information evening on 7 March, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. You will receive valuable information about how we accompany you before, during and after the birth of your child.

The new maternity ward of the Klinik Im Park offers an ultra-modern medical infrastructure and stylish premises. More than 600 mothers appreciate our personal, family atmosphere every year.

More information & registration

Friendly natives

Hailing from California, Local Natives have adopted some of the musical influences that the west coast is known for, especially the lush harmonies and melodies that seem to be at home in the Sunshine State. Where they differ from a lot of their contemporaries is that, rather than drown in a warm bath of schmaltz, many of the songs have a darker edge and with the lead singers voice, emotions are definitely front and centre. They’re playing at Rote Fabrik on Friday night.
Friday 8.30 pm, Rote Fabrik

North bridge

Nordbrücke has become the gravitational centre of the Wipkingen part of town.  Set next to the train station, it is the ideal place to either recover after a tough day of consumer binging, or as a great bar to hangout during the evenings. Much to my shame, their 5th birthday slipped by me a couple of weeks ago without me mentoning it but if you want to belatedly celebrate, and wish them a Happy Birthday under your breath,  Saturday night would seem a good time to go. Dj Manbat and djane Heroine der Prärie will be playing an eclectic set of strange and beautiful music.
Saturday 8:30pm, Nordbrücke


The Electron Festival is an annual electronic music festival that is taking place in Geneva at the end of March, usually showcasing some of the best and brightest of the EDM scene. This year is no exception. But just in case you feel a little too distant, either in space or time, from the festival, this Saturday at Zukunft they will be giving us a little appetiser in the form of the Electron Pre-Party. The great UK producer and remixer Jon Hopkins will be playing a set, as well as djs Idealist and Alex Dallas from Zurich. And if it’s not enough that the festival pre-party is coming to you, I also have 2 x 2 tickets to give away. E-mail me.
Saturday 12 am, Zukunft


These days, if a band lasts 5 years then they should be viewed with some kind of respect. That’s why I was surprised and happy to see The Sea and Cake playing at Stall 6 on Sunday. This US power pop band have been together for about 20 years now, and while they may have never changed the world with their music, they have made some great guitar tunes that are perfect for singing at the top of your voice as you cruise down a sun-drenched highway.
Sunday 9 pm, Stall 6

Your favourites
Over the last couple of weeks, you’ve been recommending your favourite restaurants on my website and I’ve discovered some new venues that I’m looking forward to test. For pasta I’ll try Casa Nostrana at Albisstrasse 25: "Once you’ve had their pasta, you never want to waste any of your visits on something else". For a glass of wine, I’ll head to Edi’s Weinstube at Stüssihofstatt 14: "A perfect combination of students, oldies, after work gatherings, wine, pornographic art and great music". When I’m in the mood for seafood I’ll visit Bodega Espagnola at Münstergasse 15: "Their Sepia (Cuttlefish) from the grill drowned in garlic is one of my top 3 dishes ever. They also have a great selection of Spanish brandy".  And for coffee and cake, my latest target is Babu’s Bakery & Coffeehouse at Löwenstrasse 1:"“It’s cute and you feel like at home, the prices are very good and also the quality of the food". Cheers for these inspirations.
Good to know
Excessive management pay is one of the main topics of the upcoming selection. The Swiss have it in their hands to put a limit on executive salaries and “golden parachutes”. You might think that with Switzerland being known for banks and finances that such an initiative wouldn’t stand a chance. But the latest polls showed the opposite. Especially since Daniel Vasella, former CEO of Novartis was compensated with a 72 million leaving bonus. The waves it caused were even picked up in the press abroad – such as the Guardian. On Saturday, we’ll know what the population really wants. And if you’re interested in details, Deloitte put together a detailed overview of the current state, the initiative and the counter initiative. And on Swissinfo you’ll find various articles to this topic.
Street music 2.0
With the App QRadio by the Berlin artist Sweeza, the term street music takes on a whole new meaning. And this is how it works: In painted speakers there is a QR-Code that you can scan with your smart phone and turns your phone in a tape. A friendly way to mark your favourite spots with music or to promote your own sound.

Replay Herrenuhren

Die eleganten Zeitmesser überzeugen nicht nur mit ihrem ansprechenden Style, sondern auch mit ihrem hochwertigen und ganggenauen Innenleben, denn du kriegst  dieses tolle Angebot schon ab 79.-.

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The final say
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Urban Signs Photo Trip
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