Thu, 25.04.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 25.04.2024: Enfant Terribles, Frieda & My Birthday


It's The Big One Ronster!


Okay Ronster, i know i pooh-poohed the Böögg’s weather predicting skills but since Sechseläuten the weather has been just bonkers. Who, (apart from Prince,) would have thought that we’d have snow in April? Thankfully the temperatures are ramping up over the weekend and should peak at a balmy 22 degrees at around 5pm on Tuesday. Coincidentally 5pm on Tuesday is also the start of my Birthday celebration that i have been banging on about for the past month. To make life easy for you i’ve prepared a handy map of the locations. And we also have out final few happenings. Scroll and click to find out more. Have a great weekend, see you on Tuesday and…

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda


Or course my party is top priority but we have an new exhibition opening its doors, a bar (unfortunately,) closing it’s doors and food, clubbing and live music. Enjoy!

Thursday: At least we still have pictures of Glaciers
Friday: It’s the very last round at Enfant Terribles
Saturday: Frieda brings Berlin To You
Sunday: A meal with wild herbs
Monday: British duo Seafret play at Plaza
Tuesday: It’s my Birthday! And I've mapped out the party for you

Wednesday: Nurse massive hangover, (at least for me.)


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The Final Happenings

The Final Happenings


During my early days, public toilets in the city – whether in restaurants, offices, or shops – simply had soap. Gradually, that changed (no, I don't mean suddenly hand sanitisers were everywhere). Slowly but surely, a particular soap became ubiquitous in all city toilets that took pride in their soap selection. Even my office toilet wasn't exempt – luckily, because I wouldn't want to miss out on this soap anymore. Recently, it has continued its triumph with a new home in a prominent location: right at HB. Perhaps you've noticed: I'm talking about Soeder, of course. And in this new store at HB, there are 20 goodie bags available today as a birthday gift for me, free for my readers – first come, first served.

And don't forget to click the buttons for the remainder of my birthday treats!

My 20th Birthday, Mapped Out

My 20th Birthday, Mapped Out


The day is finally here. I'm all prepared, the beer is cold, the shot recipes have been checked, tried and checked again. The venues are ready to welcome you! It's time!

Yes, it's my 20th birthday and i hope to see loads of you lovely Ronsters on Tuesday night. I even arranged it so you don't have to wake up early on Wednesday so there is NO EXCUSE to not be out late. And so you don't get lost or miss out on the exciting venues i have created a useful map. Don't say i don't do anything for you.


Tuesday 5pm, Various Locations, 8004


Fumetto presents: Fabian Meister

Fumetto presents: Fabian Meister |  Instagram @fabianshideout

Shopping tip: Don't Be Silly, Try Chili Willy

Shopping tip: Don't Be Silly, Try Chili Willy


Those that know me know that i’m a sucker for anything spicy. Indian food and Thai food are favourites for this reason but, to be honest, even rösti, fondue and the dreaded «Riz Casimir» are pimped to vindaloo strength whenever i can get away with it. So i am super happy to see that Chili Willy have come up with a new hot sauce to try as well as a chilli mix to add to…well…everything. And as it’s locally sourced, hand picked and packaged using sustainable paper the only regrets come around the next morning.

19 Soft, Fluffy & Furry Things To Do In The City

19 Soft, Fluffy & Furry Things To Do In The City


The last few days have been so cold and miserable and i would have loved to just curl up into a fluffy ball, a bit like a cat. A trip to the kitchen revealed more furry items lurking at the bottom of my fridge and it occurred to that, with the exception of the UFO (Unidentified Food Object,) in my fridge, that soft, furry and fluffy things are just great! There is nothing better than cuddling up to something fluffy so i came up with a list of 19 fluffy things to do in Zurich.


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Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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