Thu, 21.07.2011

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 21.7.2011: Porn Orp Party, antipasti & dark beer lovers


Dear gentlemen, on Friday, my Porn Orp Party takes place. So you have a little bit of time left to grow a perfect porn moustache. Those who come with well groomed facial hair, get a drink for free. Ron's girlfriend: "Hey, and what about the girls?" Ron: "I never said that the moustache has to be real, and for flashy painted lips you'll get a drink anyway". Ron's girlfriend: "Ok, then I'll wear a porn moustache." Here some inspirations
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Bern visiting
While many clubs are leaving us alone in the rain and take a summer break, Hive parties on. Neon, their regular Thursday night, celebrates the non existing summer with hot electro, indie dance and house beats by Radiorifle and Mickey Morris. Both are residents at the Bonsoir Club in Bern. Welcome guys, I hope you brought some sun with you.
Thursday 11 pm, Hive

Ten days left
In ten days, Seefeld-Razzia will close – to be renovated and turned into a grill restaurant. The cultural venue goes down with a bang and has a series of events over the next few days (like the Porn Orp Party on Friday). On Thursday there is an exhibition where several artists show the world their talent, amongst them Onur and Rafael. And the walls are still lined with the latest project by Kuss-Magazin
Thursday 6 pm, Seefeld-Razzia

Ron's party was the first one to be held at Seefeld-Razzia and it will be the last one. To honour the buildings history – it used to be a sex cinema at one time, hence the black painted walls – I'll call it the Porn Orp Party. Quite clever I think. The party starts at 9.30 pm. Make sure you get there in time. Entry is for free and when it's full, it's full. The concert will start at 10.30 pm. Which band? That's a surprise! And for all of you, who don't have time – or the hair – to grow a moustache, I have three lovely Nekkish moustache necklaces to give away. Just send a message. If you win, you can pick it up at the party. See you there!
Friday 9.30 pm, Seefeld-Razzia
Pop-Up galleries are a fix feature in London's art scene. Yves Slinka and Oskar Weiss want to make this happen for Zurich too. Therefore, they transformed a former print shop at Kochstrasse 1 into a temporary gallery. For one week they exhibit the works by Play Hunter – do you remember my favourite style hunter? - Rico Scagliola & Michael Meier, Valentina Vujovic and Tina Braegger. As it's still raining, I'm sure you'll find the time to stop by. 
From 23 July to 29 July, 12 pm to 6 pm, Kochstrasse 1
The future is bright...
The future is black. Zukunft spoils us with a great night in Saturday, with a guest from New York: Daniel Wang who fits into a niche between disco, Detroit and house and combines to a new sound. Three resident djs will then heat up the house properly with music for soul and body. But then, after the last beat, Zukunft closes for the summer. Is everyone leaving the sinking ship? Summer, where are you?
Saturday 11 pm, Zukunft 
Achmed and Paul
Singer-songwriter meets tango at El Lokal this Monday. Both have a colourful past, based in the youth revolutions of their country. Paul Weixler was a legend in Zurich. And it took him 25 years to release his pop / blues album, which was launched in 2003. You probably won't understand the Swiss lyrics but you'll get his mix between I-love-the world and disillusioned wisdom. And if your heart doesn't ache yet, Achmed "El Tigre Tanguero" makes you long for a trip around the world with his heartbreaking songs.
Monday 8.20 pm, El Lokal
A park full of music
On Wednesdays, Bäckeranlage is the place to be if you like acoustic concerts. This week, with melodramatic pop by Euphròsina. If you listen carefully, you'll get to hear a few ironic and sometimes bloodthirsty stories by the three girls from Zurich. And the weather should be a bit better by the middle of the week as well.
Wednesday 8 pm, Bäckeranlage
Ron's gastro tip
My new neighbour L'Aperitivo del Leone welcomed me friendly with the speciality of the house – Italian wine and antipasti. Very tasty! If you walk down the steps you'll reach the grotto. In this cosy cellar environment – nope, not a contradiction – where you'll get to eat your main course. Lovers of Italian cuisine will find a new home here.

More gastro tips
L'Aperitivo del Leone, Bäckerstrasse 36

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