Thu, 22.08.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 22.08.2024: Yodel, Brushy & Bomb Disposal


Howdy Doody Ronster


Do you like food Ronster? Everyone likes food don’t they? So get your diary out and mark the 21st of September. Why? Well, in just under a month i’ll be hosting my third Ron Orp Food Tour which allows you to feast your way through the city? Or are you an amazing cook and want to showcase your culinary chops? If you are sign up here now!

In other news, the city is in full swing and there is plenty going on this weekend. Oh yeah, don’t forget to scroll down and take my «How Swiss Are You» quiz and find out about the guilty secret in the Swiss lakes. Have a great weekend Ronster and…

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature
p.s. Did anyone see the whale at Utoquai? If you took a picture then put it on my Phototrip.

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda


Way more stuff going on this week.Two town festivals and a birthday party. And a lot of stuff in Kreis 5 this weekend. Oh yeah, and an opportunity to learn to yodel.

Thursday: Rio Does Ceviche
One String Is Enough. Brushy Plays Moods
Mini Festivals Galore. Two This Weekend
Kreisflohmi is back. This Time It’s Five
Lily’s Turns Twenty Five
Get Integrated. Get Yodelling
A Night Of Spoons Position. Deborah Levy visits


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Festival: Mini Festivals Galore. Two This Weekend

Festival: Mini Festivals Galore. Two This Weekend


The Zurich summer is replete with little festivals and this weekend we have not one, but two mini-festivals to enjoy.

Over on the north west side of the city we have the Röntgenplatzfest which offers live music, street food and drinks on both Friday and Saturday and could be conveniently combined with the Kreisflöhmi.

Friday 8pm & Sat 1pm, Röntgenplatz, 8005

On the posh side of town the Dörflifäscht is running on Friday through Sunday and offers - well pretty much the same as the other festival - but spread over the squares and «Höfli» of the Niederdorf. It’s actually a pretty big affair and a big party!

Friday - Sunday, Various Locations in Niederdorf, 8001


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Fumetto presents: Sandro Ramseier

Fumetto presents: Sandro Ramseier |  Instagram @Sandro Ramseier

How Swiss Are You? Take The Quiz

How Swiss Are You? Take The Quiz


How Swiss are you? Okay, you’ve lived in Zurich a few years but how are you integrating? Do you know the difference between a Rösti and a Rössli? Or Jassen and Jodelling? And can you tell when someone has an alphorn in their pocket or are just pleased to see you? Take my quiz and find out…

Worth Reading: The Swiss Lakes Are A Blast

Worth Reading: The Swiss Lakes Are A Blast


Most bodies of water hold some dark secrets but did you know the, (literally,) explosive truth about the lakes of Switzerland. The following fascinating article from the BBC documents years of the Swiss Military blasting and kerr-splatting the lakes for target practice as well as dumping many thousands of tons of unexploded munitions beneath the surface.

Now the Swiss government wants all that and they are asking for smart ideas to solve the problem. There is a cool 50,000 CHF for the person or people who come up with best idea to get rid of this stuff. My idea to hold a swimming race for despots and then detonating the whole lot midway through the race was rejected but i am sure one of you Ronsters has a good solution. Get cracking!

p.s. The picture was made by AI. Thank god!


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Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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