Thu, 29.08.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 29.08.2024: Dance, Electronica & Crack


Good Morning Ronster


Hey Ronster, I was wondering if one you Ronsters was going to take a picture of «the whale» and, as usual, you didn’t disappoint. Thanks nadiab for the super cool pic. As well as stuff for this week i, (unusually,) also have a ticket competition for next week as well as the return of my gig list and some inspiration if you are looking to buy local produce. Have a great weekend and…

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda


A birthday, a music festival in a beautiful location and a Cloud of Crack???? Oh yeah, another thing. If open-air cinema was on your summer bucket list then now’s the time.

Thursday: Last Few Opportunities For Open-Air Cinema
Saturday: It’s Kreis 10’s Turn To Offer Bargains
Saturday: Tanzhaus Celebrates It's 5th Birthday
Sat & Sun: An Excuse To Head To Schwamendingen
Sunday: Electronic Music Meets Botanical
Wednesday: Crack Cloud’s Only Show In Switzerland

Contest: Win Tickets For Openair Greifensee

Contest: Win Tickets For Openair Greifensee


Last year i visited the Greifensee Festival which, unsurprisingly takes place on the beautiful shores of the…er…Greifensee. It was a great little open-air with great food, drink and of course bands. This year they’ve got in touch and have 2 x 2 sets of tickets to give for both Thursday and Friday night. There is a definite English theme to Thursday as the line up features Liverpudlian singer/sonwriter, Ty Freeman and cult UK band, «The Tarantinos», who play a show dedicated to music from Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs etc… Click the buttons to win, win, win.

Win Tickets

Fumetto presents: Sandro Ramseier

Fumetto presents: Sandro Ramseier |  Instagram @Sandro Ramseier

Shopping tip: The Best Farm Shops In Zurich
Unsplash/ Peter Wendt

Shopping tip: The Best Farm Shops In Zurich


You can't imagine how excited I am about cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, and all the fresh vegetables that can now be harvested. Although a trip to the supermarket is more convenient I try to shop not only seasonally but also as locally as possible. And the best way to do that is directly where the vegetables grow: on the farm. To make things a little easier for you to shop locally I’ve put together a list of Zurich farm shops especially for you. Here are the best farm shops in the city, sorted alphabetically.

Gigz For September

Gigz For September


Things are hotting up as we get to the end of summer. Last month i could barely find 3 shows for you lovely Ronsters. This month it’s a way more respectable 29 shows. Lot’s of cool stuff to check out, some old, some new, some borrowed and even something blue.

Rons Tip: It’s never been harder for artists to tour so if you check out a gig remember to by some merchandise. A t-shirt or CD, (even if you can’t play it,) makes a lot of difference to the artists.

Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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