Thu, 11.01.2018

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 11.1.2018: The best medicine, spirit of the times & January blues

Dear Ronsters
It's New Year. So high time to plan your next vacation, or in this instance a stay-cation. Take part in today's draw and, if you're lucky, your excursion brings you to the Trainspotting Suite at 25hours Hotel at Langstrasse. Great breakfast included. My tip: Schedule some time to visit the sauna.
To the contest
Zurich Photo Trip → City Talk
Party: Dance until the curtain falls → Parties

You thought that Salon Libre was the end of the ABC cinema before it gets turned into offices? Luckily, that's not the case. From Thursday, the former cinema will be filled with DJs and the best music our lively club scene has to offer. Let's dance until the curtain falls and let's raise our glasses to the future of subculture and everything we hold dear. 2018, you're off to a good start.

Thursday from 6 pm until 16th February, ABC, Waisenhausstrasse 2, 8001

Jass: Let the games begin → Sports events

Do you know Jass? It's a popular game here in Switzerland, similar to the American Pinochle. Actually it's often referred to as our national sport. Yes, playing Jass is a sport! And today, there is a small tournament taking place at Park Platz. If you've heard anything about the card game but never dared to give it a try, here's your chance: There is a tutorial before the tournament. I'd say, just do it. Although be warned, if you've never seen an angry Swiss before, it's very likely that you'll come across one before the end of the evening - if you mix up your cards, you might wonder why you thought it a good idea to give new things a try this year. But look on the bright side, you might pick up on some authentic swear words.

Thursday 6 pm crash course, 7.30 pm tournament, Park Platz, Wasserwerkstrasse 95-99, 8037

Comedy: The best medicine → Events (various)
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If you've fallen heavily into the dark hole of the January blues and are looking for a helping hand to pull you out, then let your old friend Ron reach down and, basically, leave you there (you are a little heavy to lift these days), but suggest someone else who could help. Tonight (Thursday) is the first of a new monthly stand-up comedy evening at Stall 6 called The American Stand-up Show. They'll be hosting a mix of local and international comedians (the 'American' in the name refers to the style of comedy rather than the comedians themselves). Tonight 's headliner is Jack Holmes, a UK expat who is one of the best English-speaking comedians in his adopted home of Austria, although he could also be the only English-speaking one, so go judge for yourself.
Thursday 8 pm, Stall 6, Gessnerallee 8, 8001

Concert: Pop by Paris → Events (various)
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We Invented Paris are a Swiss collective of musicians, designers and filmmakers who came together to form a folk-pop group a few years ago, but it seems as if they've been hanging out in some seedy bars lately and have been seduced by the dark sexiness of a throbbing synth. Their latest music still retains a pop heart, but the folk has been replaced by retro-electro beats and an 80's synth sheen. They'll be playing live at the great venue of Theater Winkelwiese tonight (Thursday).
Thursday 8 pm, Theater Winkelwiese, Winkelwiese 4, 8001

Exhibition: Say cheese! → Events (various)

Friday sees the start of Photo18, the largest annual exhibition of Swiss photography. In Halle 622 and Stage One there will be the best examples of Swiss photographers work from the last twelve months, gathered from the disciplines of advertising, arts and press. As well as the main exhibition there will be a number of special retrospective photo exhibitions, and the photoFORUM, where world-class photographers will be discussing their backgrounds, careers and experiences. Photo by: Roger Weber
Friday to Tuesday 11am to 8 pm, Halle 622, Therese-Giehse-Strasse 10, 8050 and StageOne Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050

Party: Spirit of the times → Parties

If you've been dutifully attending your German classes and are now looking for a way to express your new found Kompetenzen, then what better way than through the medium of indie music. Zeitgeist is a new club night at Exil that is looking to bring the world of indie music under one roof, and over two floors. One floor will feature the sounds of German indie with the likes of Bliderbuch, Kraftklub and Von Wegen Lisbeth, while the other will be playing perhaps more familiar music like Alt-J, Portugal.The Man and The XX. In fact, skip your next German lesson and go to this instead.
Saturday 11 pm, Exil, Hardstrasse 245, 8005

Concert: Two for one → Live (concerts)

Do you find yourself a little short on time these days but still want to go see live music? Ron's Genius Tip: Go to two concerts on the same night. 'Brilliant', i hear you say, but wait, there's more. Ron's Even More Genius Tip: Go to two concerts at the same time. 'Don't be an idiot, Ron', i hear you say. Well, Helsinki are here to solve all your scheduling issues, and to redeem my idiocy. On Tuesday they'll have the Peter Tillessen Project playing songs from Elvis Presley to Pearl Jam, mixed up and played at the same time on the same stage, in the hope of creating something new and, hopefully, catchy.
Tuesday 8.30 pm, Helsinki, Geroldstrasse 35, 8005

Talk: Girls like us → Events (various)

In the age of digital domination, any independent magazines out there deserve to be shown a little love, especially when they're publishing stories about the arts, culture and activism through a feminist lens like Girls Like Us. Sara Kaaman, a Stockholm-based graphic designer and co-editor of Girls Like Us will be at Kosmos on Wednesday to discuss the collaborative process of magazine making, feminist strategies in graphic design and the role of print in relation to bodies. Free entry.
Wednesday 6.30 pm, Kosmos, Lagerstrasse 102, 8004

Truth Facts
Best TV series 2017 → Watching

Resolution No 1: Finally watch my TV series highlights from 2017. The weather forecast looks grey and cold - sounds like this weekend is the perfect time to check off one of my new year's resolutions (chances are high that it'll remain the only one). Here you'll find my personal favourites from last year.

Good to know: Tessinerplatz → Guideline for the city

Enge is an area that i don't often write about. And believe me, it's not for lack of trying. The area is just… well, fairly quiet. But the large «Living Room at Tessinerplatz» changed this. (They call it the largest but as long as i cannot find any statistics about living rooms, i'll stick with large.) However, at Tessinerplatz 7, you'll find co-working spaces as well as different events every evening. And the best part: if you want to you can join the collective and decide what will happen there next. If you plan anything great, let me know! I'll then share it with all of you.
Tessinerplatz 7, 8002

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