Thu, 31.01.2019

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 31.01.2019: Potions, Vegemite & Stand Up

Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron’s Tips

Exhibition: Geezer Pleaser


Ladies, is your fella getting under your feet? Is he bored? Don’t you wish there was a playground you could send him to but for fully grown men. Well, Thursday through Sunday are your lucky days as Man's World comes to Stage One in Oerlikon. Five thousand square meters of things to keep a guy happy for the afternoon or even the whole day. Cars, shiny things, clothes, all different kinds of booze and grilled meat will keep him out of your hair while you lunch with your besties or partake in a bit of much needed retail therapy.


Thursday to Sunday (Thurs 4pm-12am, Fri 12pm-12am, Sat 11am-12am, Sun 11am-7pm), Stage 1, Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050


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Party: Spinning Disks of Joy


Did you know that DJ is short for disk jockey? We all know what a jockey is but what do the disks refer to? Before superstar DJ’s broadcasted their self help playlist direct from a memory stick, DJ’s used to play black disks of vinyl called records. DJ Spruzzi is a Zürich DJ-ing legend that insists on keeping the old traditions alive by playing vinyl exclusively. And this guy has a pretty funky record collection. Have a cocktail or a beer and get the weekend started at Bagatelle 93.


Friday 11 pm, Bagatelle 93, Langstrasse 93, 8004


Quiz: Beatles? Who?


I love a quiz and I love music. I also like pubs. Doesn’t everybody? On Friday Sips Pub in Oerlikon host the Mighty Music Quiz. Wow, everything I like in one place! You have five rounds and fifty songs in which you can show off your knowledge of obscure seventies prog bands or the complete works of Nicki Minaj.


Saturday, 8pm, Sips Pub, Schaffhauserstrasse 380, 8050


Party: Getting Hotter With Potter

Get down to Diagon Alley, buy a unicorn core wand and get down to Yuma for their Platform 9 ¾ Hogwarts Express Party. This party has a new take on the traffic light party with the colour of your tie allowing people to know your relationship status. Red for hands off, yellow for perhaps and green for yes I’m single. If it’s not feeling like a magical night then potion shots will have you finding your Ron or Ginny Weasley before you can say expelliarmus.

Saturday, 11pm, Yuma, Badenerstrasse 120, 8004


Shopping tip: Flea the City


If you are a fan of retro chic or are looking for a bargain then Sunday is going to be a great day for you as there is not one but two, second hand markets in the city. The Mädelsflohmarkt, (literally girls flea market,) takes place to the north-west of town at Club Escherwyss and promises great bargains on second hand clothes and accessories.

Flohmi am Wasser is taking place to the south of town in the area around the Rote Fabrik and you will get, well, pretty much the same as at any second hand market. No guarantees but you may pick up a gem or two. Have fun and let us know if you get any bargains.


Sunday 12 pm - 5 pm, Mädelsflohmarkt, Hardstrasse 305, 8005 // 11 am - 5 pm, Flohmi am Wasser, Seestrasse 395, 8038


Comedy: Stand Up and Be Counted


If you are feeling gloomy after the drudgery of going back to work on Monday, Kasheme are hosting their English Stand Up Comedy night. There is a good selection of experienced comics and newcomers so head down to see if it is more fall down than stand up. Or do you think you could provoke gales of laughter with your rapier wit and pithy observation. Write “Spot,” in the FaceBook events comments and they will confirm your participation.


Monday, 7:30pm, Kasheme, Neugasse 56, 8005




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Sport: Hotdogs and a Late Night


It’s that time of year again. Super Bowl LIII is upon us and gridiron fans are soiling themselves at the prospect of the Los Angeles Rams taking on the New England Patriots in a game of what I like to call, armoured rugby. But with the game being played in Atlanta the time delay means many venues will have closed their doors by kick off so I’ve come up with some bars that will staying up late to bring you Ronsters the big game. (If you are tagging along with friends but don't have the faintest idea what is going on I've included a short guide...)

Kick Off


Good to know: Marmite vs Vegemite


On arrival in Zürich everything seems more sophisticated, at least it did for me. Beautiful people speaking a multitude of languages drink exotic drinks like Braulio, Averna and Feldschlösschen. Fondue is served on draft and getting hammered after work becomes, “an apero.” But after a while my body and mind yearned for rare and eccentric items from home and so my quest began. But where do you start? I've compiled a list of some places where you can find teabags, vegemite or a twinkie.

Eat Me
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