Thu, 21.03.2019

Zurich (EN) : Zurich, 21.03.2019: Chocolate, Whisky & Surfing


Happy Thursday Ronster


The weekend is nearly here and spring is upon us so it’s time to start thinking of the summer and surfing. This week surfing features heavily which is a fitting tribute to surf guitar legend Dick Dale who passed away last week. If you don't know the name you will certainly know his version of Miserlou which featured as the title track of the cult film, Pulp Fiction.


The people of Zurich go to the polls again this week, this time to vote for representatives at cantonal level. Expect busier streets on Sunday as voters stumble bleary eyed from bed (or Hive and Zukunft) and realise they missed the Tuesday deadline for postal voting.


Finally there are some great gigs in the city this week and Trombone Shorty features in our competition. Have a great weekend Ronsters.

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  Ron's Tips

Pop Up: I Believe In Miracles


Chocoholics ahoy. On Saturday the Hot Chocolate Lab are poping-up at Banh-Mi Limmatladen and it will feature a world premier of their very own Ruby Hot Chocolate. Don’t worry if you are vegan. They are offering a delicious vegan alternative as well as many other fun and delicious variations on a hot chocolate theme. The pop-up will be open until they run out of chocolate, which will be quite early if i have anything to do with it.

PS. Does anyone know why the title is «I Belive In Miracles?» Answers on a postcard please: Ron Orp, Ankerstrasse 3, 8004 Zurich.


Saturday 9:30am, Banh-Mi Limmatladen, Limmatstrasse 295, 8005


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Drinking: Whisky Galore


I must admit, i have never tasted whisky. Normally it goes down my throat so fast that it doesn’t touch the sides let alone touch my tastebuds. But i must make an effort to actually try and savour the stuff. Fortunately Sixth Sense will be having a whisky tasting which will give you (and i) an opportunity to sample their delicious wares. Afterwards, as you leave with a warm glow, the Langstrasse is your playground.


Saturday 5pm - 8pm, Sixth Sense Bar, Zwinglistrasse 28, 8004


Wrong Again Ron


Do you like to test your intellect to its very limits? Do you enjoy basking in the humiliation of a vanquished foe? Do you know the capital city of America-land. If you answered «yes, yes, and what is Ron on about?» then a pub quiz is the place for you on a Sunday night. This Sunday there are not just one, but two in this great city.

The Green Room in Limmatstrasse is hosting its weekly quiz and at the other end of the city, the Shamrock Irish pub in Wollishofen give you the opportunity to exercise the grey matter whilst simultaneously destroying it with alcohol.


Sun 8pm, Green Room, Limmatstrasse 118, 8005 // Sun 8pm, Studackerstrasse 1, 8038

Ibrahim Asad

Shopping tip: Are You Being Surfed


The Swiss sure love surfing and this Sunday is a perfect opportunity to buy some new gear for the next trip to catch the waves in, er…what’s a good place to surf in Switzerland? Dynamo in conjunction with Waveup are holding their annual Surfmarkt with new equipment, second hand gear or nearly new (or is it gnarly new) stuff which, as Switzerland is landlocked, i can only assume has never been used.

Interesting fact: There are plans afoot to create a wavepark in Regensdorf which i am really excited about. Take a look at the plans on the Waveup site.


Sunday 11am - 5:30pm, Dynamo, Wasserwerkstrasse 21, 8006


Concert: Steppin' Out...With A Trombone


If you ask me my top one hundred pop tunes Joe Jackson would have at least two in there. «Is She Really Going Out With Him,» is lyrically a work of art and «Stepping Out,» is one of my favourite tunes of all time. So we’re in luck. Joe Jackson is appearing at the Kaufleuten on Monday. I am sure tickets are going fast so i recommend getting the last one before i do.

If i haven’t convinced you to see Joe Jackson or you are washing your hair on Monday night check out Trombone Shorty, also at the Kaufleuten. He has already performed with Madonna and opened for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and he is bringing his brand of «Supafunkrock,» to promote his new album, released on the legendary Blue Note Label. And guess what? We have two sets of tickets to give away. Just hit the button.

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Mon 8pm & Tues 8pm Kaufleuten, Pelikanplatz, 8001

Surf Film Nacht

Film: Surf's Cold Dude


So you have been to Dynamo, purchased a new surfboard and wetsuit but you are still not feeling inspired. This Tuesday, Riffraff Kino in Neugassse is presenting the film, Priboi - Surfing Russia. Okay, surfing in Siberia looks bit chilly for me but i will quite happily watch other people do it in the comfort of a warm cinema. Actually, the film looks amazing and not only covers the surfing but also the social interactions between the surfers and the locals. So much so that it has won awards at film festivals in London and Berlin.


Tuesday 9pm, Riffraff Kino, Neugasse, 8005




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Good to know: V for Vendetta...and Vending.


Switzerland is home to nearly 40,000 Selecta machines and in almost every corner of the country there is a mechanical lifesaver for almost every situation. Bad breath? Chewing gum. Hungry? Crisps and chocolate. A night of passion on the cards? Condoms. Pregnancy test?

This is great for the basic situations but what if your needs extend beyond contraception and snacks. What if the Selecta machine is not enough? Here we show some of the unusual and downright bizarre machines for emergencies you cant even imagine.

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Nadine Kägi

Good to know: The City's Dark Past


As i was drinking a beer or two with friends the subject turned to the Letten area of the city. Many may know it as a vibrant and lively place, especially in the summer. If you walked through the Platzspitz park and along the Limmat you may also know Primitivo, a bar and diner where people gather for food and drinks and to soak up the last few rays of sunshine after a days work. But the tranquil walk from the Landesmuseum, through the Platzspitzpark and over the Drahtschmidlisteg, to the Letten hides a dark and disturbing past....

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