Thu, 08.10.2020

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 08.10.2020: Mussels, Momos & Burgers

Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips

Drinking: Open In 8001


It’s always great news to see a new place open in these trying times so please check out bar and restaurant 8001 which is opening today. 8001 promises great drinks, delicious Momos from a favourite of mine, «Tenz» and a resident DJ on the weekends.


Thursday 11:30am, 8001, Kuttelgasse 10, 8001


Eating: Burger-Meisters


«I do love the taste of a good burger.» Jules of Pulp Fiction fame and myself are firmly in agreement on this one so i’m super excited about Zurich's fourth annual burger festival taking place at Halle 622 in Oerlikon. Lots of different burger creations from 15 food trucks and 50 stands as well as cool drinks and beer.


Thurs 5pm - Sun, Halle 622, Therese-Giehse-Strasse 10, 8050


Stage: Life On The Road


If you want a clearer insight into the topsy turvy world of being a professional musician then Theatre Neumarkt are hosting Swiss-Canadian duo «Goldschatz». Swiss based, US chanteuse Brandy Butler invites the duo to perform and talk about their experiences of writing and touring whilst all the time being in love.


Friday 7:30pm, Theatre Neumarkt, Neumarkt 5, 8001


Concert: Werking Hard For You


This week, new kids on the block «Die Werkstatt» are hosting three live concerts with DJ support on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. As well as music there is also an art exhibition with live painting on Saturday night. Oh, and don’t forget. You can stay fed and watered there too.


Thurs, Fri, & Sat 6pm, Die Werkstatt, Allmendstrasse 91, 8041


Party: Club, Club & Club Again


Zurich’s clubs are firmly open for business this weekend. On Friday Kauz is «the office» of local DJ legend Kalabrese for their Independent Dancing night. On Saturday Amboss Rampe hosts Amsterdam’s Paula Temple of Noise Manifesto and if electronic music doesn’t float your boat, Exil are playing all the cheese that you can’t admit to loving at «Trash Pop».


Friday 10 pm & Sat 11pm, Kauz, Amboss Rampe & Exil


Sport: Pump But Don't Land On Your Rump


A few weeks ago at one of the numerous Kreisflohmis i spotted a bicycle for sale that looked like a cross between a BMX and a mountain bike. I was informed that it was a «pump track» bike which left me none the wiser but i was also informed that there is a very good pump track at Allmend, near to Sihlcity. This Monday, (and every Monday for that matter,) Züritrails & Pumptrack Gaudie will help you to get into the sport, even if you are rookie. Not only that, they have three rental bikes that they will «rent» to you for free. Check out the video, it looks like great fun (when they do it,) but drop them a message if you need to use a bike.


Monday 6pm - 8pm, Bike Park Zurich, Allmendstrasse 1, 8045




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Eating: You Can't Beat Moules et Frites


Some things just work well together. Love and marriage, a horse and carriage, beer and….well…everything. But one of the my favourite parts of life in Zurich is the annual classic combination of «moules-frites» or mussels and chips for the English out there. Here’s my updated guide to getting your hands on some this autumn.



Good to know: 6 Floors Of Food


This week not one but an incredible six new pop-up restaurants open, all in the Hotel Ambassador which resides near to the opera house. Chambre Séparée has taken over the hotel (which is closed for refurbishment in 2021,) with different food concepts on each floor. Cuisine from Piedmont on the first floor contrast with fondue on the sixth as well as plant based Japanese cuisine on the third floor. The fifth floor offers a surprise menu and the second floor provides food and a show from renowned choreographer, Grazia Covre. Don’t head in without having a cocktail in the hotel bar. En guete.


08th Oct - 7th Nov, Hotel Ambassador, Falkenstrasse 6 | 8008

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