Thu, 06.08.2020

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 06.08.2020: By the lake, up the hill & in the garden


Good Morning Ronster


I hope you had a great day celebrating the Swiss National day on Saturday. Although the weather has been a bit dodgy the past few days it’s going to be hotting up on the weekend so what could be better than another Gelati Tellhof creation. This week the flavour is called «Knutschen im Club» which roughly translates as «Making Out in the Club». Have a great weekend and…


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Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips

Good to know: Pop Up To Oerlikon


That Frau Gerold is taking over the town. Not content with the amazing location by Hardbrucke she is expanding with a pop up at Bucheggplatz, near to Oerlikon. Called Frau Guggachs Gärtli it provides two hundred extra places to sit, drink and be merry as well as ice cream from Gelateria Di Berna and food from Afghan Anar and, a personal favourite of mine, Tenz Momos.


6th Aug - 6th Sept, Brache Guggach, Hofwiesenstrasse 187, 8057


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Comedy: Uphill Garden


It’s great to get out into the fresh air and why not have a laugh while you’re doing it. This Friday head up the hill to the Garden Oerlikon, (which has just opened,) because they are hosting an openair stand up comedy show. Laughs under the open sky. What could be finer?


Friday 7:30pm, The Garden, Andreasstrasse 70, 8050


Party: Gonzo Meets Magnum


Sometimes i have to write about stuff just because i like the picture of an event. This Friday Gonzo are hosting Sellecktion featuring DJs DJ Thorsten Tornado and Morgan John Selleck. So get those moustaches growing, jump in your Ferrari 308 (you can borrow mine,) and get down there.


Friday 11pm, Gonzo, Langstrase 135, 8004


Shopping tip: Floh, Floh, Floh Your Boat


I have been pondering whether Zurich has a finite number of clothes and they just get redistributed around and around in the numerous «Flohmis». Either way, Kreis 4 takes centre stage this week with their very own Flohmarkt in exactly the say vein as last weeks Kreis 3 market. Good luck buying or selling.


Saturday 10pm, Various Locations, 8004


Party: Into The Tropics


When anyone mentions Fat Tony i always think of the mafia boss from the Simpsons but i’m talking of course about the bar on the corner of Langstrasse and Lagerstrasse. This Saturday Fat Tony is throwing his Tropical Tony party in celebration of the summer opening. Hurrah!


Saturday 2pm - 10pm, Fat Tony, Langstrasse 135, 8004


Party: Buzzing Again


So many great events are missing from the Zurich calendar and Saturday would have been the Street Parade. The only upside to the cancellation is the Limmat will not be flooded with tinkle and drug addled fish for the next week. But all is not lost! Hive are having their very own tribute to street parade so you can party ‘till the break of dawn.


Saturday 11pm, Hive, Geroldstrasse 5, 8005




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Good to know: West Side Story


A few weeks ago i wrote about a few of my favourite bar tours along the Schanzengraben and the Limmat. But what of the lake? During the summer months it is a stunning to place to while away the evening over a few drinks. Here are four of my top tips for the west side of the lake.


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