Thu, 20.08.2020

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 20.08.2020: Côte d'Azur, The Balkans & The Binz

Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips

Eating: Le Pop-Up


I’m always on the lookout for new food opportunities for you lovely Ronsters and today a new pop up opens at Hardplatz. La Mouette will be taking over La Pinseria and serving a 5 course menu of southern French cuisine. La Mouette will be only open until the 29th of August so my advice is to get in there quick. Bon appetite.


Thurs 20th - Aug 29th, La Pinseria, Hardplatz, 8004


Drinking: Take The Binz Out


You all know that i love beer so i am particularly excited about the Binz Beer Festival (don't worry, you don't have to drink the beer out of bins,) taking place on Thursday and Friday this week in, unsurprisingly, the Binz part of the city. Dr Brauwolf is hosting the event in the Tic, Tric, Trac building with 6 breweries represented. There will also be two food trucks in attendance if all that beer gives you the munchies.


Thurs & Fri 4pm, Tic, Tric Trac, Räffelstrasse 26, 8045


Concert: Who Noze?


The Kasernenareal is a lovely part of the city and the Summergarte is a great place to enjoy a drink and some food. This Thursday there will also be live music from The Nozez who will serenade you with Balkan and Gypsy sounds.


Thursday 8:30pm, Sommergarte, Zeugshaushof 8004


Drinking: Les Cocktails


Another great spot in Zurich is the lovely restaurant Les Halles which is a close neighbour of the Schiffbau. This Friday they are in «Ferienstimmung» which literally means holiday mood and to help you get in the same head space they are going cocktail crazy, serving mojitos and caipirinhas.


Friday 4pm, Les Halles, Pfingstweidstrasse 6,8005


Shopping tip: Kreis On A Bike II


Jesus Kreis, not another one! Yes, this weekend there is another «Kreis Flohmi» with Kreis 5 taking a turn to offer their wares. As with the flohmis in three and four there is a map which shows you all the locations. As Kreis 5 is geographically long and thin i recommend breaking out the «velo» if you want to take it all in.


Saturday 10am, Various locations 8005


Festival: WHAT A Festival???


I know many of you Ronsters have missed the heady combination of music, booze and mud that is an openair festival but this Sunday there is a small crumb of comfort in the Distancing Festival which will take place on Sunday through to Wednesday.


Sunday - Wednesday 6pm, Zurich Zoo, Zürichbergstrasse 221, 8044




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Crowdify Projekt: Fight For The Right To...


Every now and again i like to promote one of the projects that is trying to raise funds on and i thought this particular project is a cause close to my heart. Asylex are raising money so they can provide representation for foreign nationals who are detained in Switzerland and cannot get legal representation. Check the project out and if you can give a bit of support then please do.

F+F Schule für Kunst / Instagram

Exhibition: Bunch Of Kunst


Switzerland is famous for its art and design and if you are interested in upcoming trends then this will be for you. From the 20th until the 30th of August the F&F school of Art & Design are holding an exhibition of the class of 2020’s work. Film, photography and visual design are some of the things represented so if you want to get «on trend» in the design world, check it out.


Aug 20 - Aug 30 F&F Schule, Flurstrasse 89, 8047

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