Thu, 30.05.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 30.05.2024: Kreis 4, Street Food & Open Air


Howdy Ronster


It’s the end of May and summer is just around the corner…isn’t it? Is it me, Ronster, or has May been a bit of a damp squib? Well, if the rather changeable weather is getting you down then i’ve got a few things to cheer you up. I’ve got my gig listicle, (with loads of shows this month,) a selection of Zurich’s best openair festivals and i also have some tickets to give away. Scroll down to find out more, have a great weekend and…

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Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda

Contest: 3 Questions On Naturally 7

Contest: 3 Questions On Naturally 7


Who are Naturally 7 ? Naturally 7 are the funkiest a cappella group in the world, combining pop, soul, funk and hip hop without any instruments at all.

Are they good? Quincy Jones declared that «Naturally 7 is the future of vocal music», so i think that's a pretty emphatic yes!

Are they coming to Zurich? Yes, they are playing at the Kaufleuten and, thanks to my good friends at, i have 2 x 2 tickets to give away. Click the buttons to win, win, win!


Tuesday 7pm, Kaufleuten, Pelikanplatz, 8001

Audiolicious: 44 Gigz For June
Photo:  Giphy

Audiolicious: 44 Gigz For June


I thought the upcoming European Championship was going to put paid to a few shows this month but, if you are not a lover of football, there is plenty of gigs to go and see this month. I’ve found a whopping forty four for you lovely Ronsters to check out. Also don’t forget that there is still tickets available for the Unique Moments in the courtyard of the Landesmuseum.

Festival: Zurich's Openair Summer

Festival: Zurich's Openair Summer


There are a few things I can never get enough of. One of them: outdoor concerts, with the sun warming my spirit as I sip a refreshing drink. Or when, on balmy summer nights, I dance to live music with others, momentarily forgetting the world's worries. Summer and the city's open-air events, how wonderful you are, how perfectly you fit together. If you feel the same way I do, and to make sure you don't miss any, I've compiled a list of the best summer music festivals for you.


Fumetto presents: Martina Walther

Fumetto presents: Martina Walther |  Instagram @martinawalther

Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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