Thu, 06.05.2021

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 06.05.2021: Surf, Jam & Mario


Good Morning Ronster


Auffahrt: the day Jesus said, «I’ve had enough of this, I’m moving back in with my dad.» And after being nailed to a piece of wood for suggesting it might be better to be nice to people who could blame him? But what does Auffarht mean today? Well, it means we all have a day off (yay,) and it also means you’ll have to wait a week for your daily dose of Ron as there is no newsletter on public holidays. I’ll be back on the 20th of May so until then…


Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips

Exhibition: Upside Down & Inside Out


The human body. Fascinating, beautiful (especially mine,) and often aching. Body Worlds has been exploring human anatomy since 1995 and has not been without controversy. But controversy or not, they are opening a new exhibition in Zurich which will run from Friday until the 15th of August. Rons Tip: If you like salt beef bagels don’t eat one before or after you visit the exhibition.


May 7th - Aug 15th, Halle 622, Therese-Giehse-Strasse 10,8050


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Eating: Nine Is Fine


If you live or work down Altstetten way (or even if you don’t,) a new eatery, (they describe themselves as a pub,) is opening this Saturday. Nüni (that’s the number nine in Swiss German,) is going to be serving delicious home made food and re-interpreting classic drinks with a formidable drinks menu. I’m looking forward to checking it out.


Saturday 12pm, Nüni, Hohlstrasse 430, 8048


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Good to know: Lost Sock Memorial Day (And Other Things)


Don’t forget that Sunday is, «Lost Sock Memorial Day» but, perhaps more importantly, don’t forget that it is also Mothers Day. If you need to get flowers for your dear Mother, (or more than likely,) a mother in law then Blumenpost will come to the rescue with bouquets of seasonal flowers and chocolates delivered direct.


Concert: More Jam Please

I know i mentioned last week that Moods jazz club has reopened for public concerts. But they have asked me to remind you that their jam session, «Jazz Baragge» has also reopened for limited audiences. The standard of the jam is very high, (well, until i join in,) so unless you are a pro, leave the instrument at home but there is some great improvised music to be enjoyed.

Every Weds 8pm, Moods, Schiffbauplatz, 8005


Film: Strife On Our Planet

David Attenborough is a name that is synonymous with films about nature and the environment, having made countless series for the BBC over the past 50 years. If you are unfamiliar with his work then next Tuesday is a great opportunity to get better acquainted as Rote Fabrik are screening his documentary, Life On Our Planet.

Tuesday 7:30pm, Rote Fabrik, Seestrasse 407, 8038


FUMETTO presents Nando von Arb |  More about Nando von Arb


New kid on the block: Surf's Up Down There


For a landlocked country there seems to be an awful lot of people wandering about with surfboards. If you haven’t checked out Urban Surf then its well worth a visit as it’s a great place to hang out and practice but a new facility has opened it’s doors down in the Valais region of Switzerland, near to Sion.

Alaia Bay is the first surf facility of its kind in continental europe and gives us land-locked land lubbers an opportunity to try out a variety of waves without the inconvenience of there being no sea. Now, Sion is a bit of a trek but if you are aching to get back in the water this may be the next best thing.

Alaia Bay, Route d'Aproz 65, 1950 Sion


Web tip: Mario From The 90's


Some of you Ronsters may be showing your age by admitting to playing or owning a Super NES but even if you are too young and haven’t a clue what i’m on about, it’s still a good way to distract yourself for a few minutes during those long hours of home office. takes literally hundreds of games such as Super Mario World and lovingly emulates them in your web browser. Have fun but i take no responsibility for your reduced productivity.

Urban Signs Photo Trip

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