Thu, 19.08.2021

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 19.08.2021: Grills, Punks & The Rooftop


Good Morning Ronster


This week i bring you good news and bad news. The good news is that Saturday is my very own Rooftop Day where we can all enjoy the terraces, gardens and courtyards of the city. Please check it out below.

And now the bad news. I had a lot of fun writing an English version for Zurich every week. However, i decided to publish just 1 news letter per city in the future. What does that mean? Well in simple terms it means that the English newsletter is not going to be available after the end of August. Sorry Ronsters, next week’s newsletter will be the final one. But don’t weep too much…you can subscribe to my German newsletter for Zurich instead – and make some improvements to your language skills.

To keep on reading my newsletter, just go to settings (either by clicking the link or hitting the button below,) and add Zurich (or Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Winterthur). You don’t need to unsubscribe to Ron Orp Zurich EN.

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  Ron's Tips
Louise Leibundgut / GDS.FM

Party: Rooftop Day. Yay!


First up this week. Rooftop Day! Rooftop day is one of my favourite days in the calendar and with the weather forecast saying sunshine and a very pleasant 26 degrees we’re in for a great day. Check out the website for a complete list of locations, don’t forget the sun tan lotion and have a great day.


Saturday, Rooftop Day, Various Locations.


Stage: What A Spectacle


Another annual event returns to Zurich this week. Yes, it’s time for performers and artists from all over the globe to descend on Landiwiese for the Theater Spektakel. Now the website says to expect this years festival to be slightly different (for obvious reasons,) but you should still expect some great music, dance, art and theatre.


Thurs - 5th Sept, Theatre Spektakel, Landiwiese, Mythenquai, 8038


Concert: Gotthard Punks


If a bit of live music takes your fancy then the legendary Gotthard Bar on the Langstrasse are hosting a night of Punk. Two bands are appearing on Thursday night so get those neck muscles limbered up for a night of headbanging and moshing.


Thursday 8pm, Gotthard Bar, Langstrasse 63, 8004

Photo by  Matthias Wagner on  Unsplash

Comedy: Laugh at their A.S.S.


Or how about some comedy? The American Stand Up Show or ASS as they like to be known are presenting Italian comedian Filippo Spreafico. Filippo has an amazing CV and you are sure to be in for a hilarious evening.


Friday 6:30pm, Wunderbox, Brauerstrasse 37, 8004


Shopping tip: Welcome To The Jungle


If you are a lover of horticulture then Amboss Rampe, in conjunction with Bergamotte, are hosting their «Pop Up Dschungel». From Wednesday until Friday you can buy some wonderful plants in the equally wonderful surroundings of the Amboss Rampe.


Wed - Fri, 10am - 7pm, Amboss Rampe, Zollstrasse 80, 8005


FUMETTO presents Samira Belorf |  Instagram @lawrence.grimm


Good to know: Think Of Afghanistan


In the past few days all eyes have been on Afghanistan and the fall of Kabul has bought yet more uncertainty to the poor people of a country that has been ravaged by war for the best part of forty years. It makes the work of Afghan graffiti artist Shamsia Hassani all the poignant. Check out her beautiful images on her Instagram and hope against hope that the rights of women and other minority groups in the the country are protected.

Karolina Grabowska auf  Pixabay

Good to know: Grills Ans Spills


Summer isn't summer if there isn't a proper outdoor barbecue party. Or several…like every evening. Including today! The principle is simple:

  • Wait for nice summers day. (This year meant a lot of waiting.)
  • Invite friends
  • Choose a chef
  • A DJ too, of course
  • Get 10 kilos of ice cream at the petrol station
  • Get 10 kilos of meat, veggies or planted meat

Now all you have to do is find a cosy barbecue spot. But where? I know where! Here are some of the best barbecue spots in Zurich!

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