Thu, 06.06.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 06.06.2024: Food Zuri, Art Zuri & Wollyhood


Good Morning Ronster


What a whirlwind week it’s been Ronster. Trump found guilty on all 34 charges and the US moving into uncharted territory. Could the free world have a president from jail? And how about Daniel Ek, the Spotify billionaire causing a storm on X with his comments on the cost of «content» for his platform. And how could i forget about Real Madrid winning the Champions league final (yawn,) again! We certainly live in interesting times. But forget about all that nonsense, we have a weekend to enjoy. There is plenty going on in the city with food connoisseurs having a lot to be happy about as well as some great gigs. Have a lovely weekend and…

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda


Food glorious food. We have the Street Food Festival and Food Zurich! We’ve also got, art, science, shopping and, of course, a lot of live content music.

Thursday: Zurich goes nuts about food for the tummy
Friday: Zurich goes nuts about food for the soul
Friday: An Openair at Wollishofen
Saturday: Kreis On A Bike. Kreisflohmi 3 and Velobörse on the same day
Saturday: Science and Nature up at Irchel
Monday: LA Invasion part I. Jane’s Addiction plays X-Tra
Monday: LA Invasion part II. Kate Clover plays Dynamo

Eating: Yummy For The Tummy. Food Zurich!

Eating: Yummy For The Tummy. Food Zurich!


I’m sure we all agree! We all love food! Food is great whether we are enjoying a languid, red-wine-soaked afternoon around the table or slamming down a sandwich before work. «Where are you going with this, Ron?» I hear you ask. Well, Thursday sees the start of the Food Zurich festival, and they have an enormous number of events, tastings, and even a food «Jam Session». The festival starts today and right off the bat, the first few events look amazing. Check out their programme and enjoy ten days of deliciousness.


Thurs - 16th June, Food Zurich, Various Locations


Fumetto presents: Tizian Merletti

Fumetto presents: Tizian Merletti |

Eating: Tuck In At Tuk-Tuk Tartina
Tuk Tuk Tartina

Eating: Tuck In At Tuk-Tuk Tartina


I can still taste that heavenly burrata from «La Tartina» pop-up. So, imagine my excitement when I heard Tartina delights are back! But this time it’s not just the taste of Italy. This time Italian flavours are going to be infused Thai character. Say hello to «Tuk-Tuk Tartina,» popping up at Légère until the end of August. Trust me, you'll want to book a table ASAP!


Until 20th August, Légère, Badenerstrasse 281, 8003

Medical Bills, and Sustainable energy. The Swiss Hit The Polls

Medical Bills, and Sustainable energy. The Swiss Hit The Polls


Swiss people are incredibly lucky! Unlike most countries, they get to dive right into the political action and have the final say on legislation. This Sunday, voters will head to the polls to weigh in on three hot topics: renewable energy, consent for invasive procedures, and the big one—health care premiums. Plus, there are three local issues up for grabs. Exciting times!

By the way, if you want to know more about these popular initiative and how they work check out this link here.


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