Thu, 10.06.2021

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 10.06.2021: Soccer, Samba & Strike


Good morning Ronster


It’s June 2021 so it’s time for...what else but the 2020 European championships? Even if your not a football fan you can’t help but get caught up in the vibe. Who’s going to win? Who are going to be the heroes and the villians? Well, nothing is guaranteed except some great sport, cold beers and England crashing out on penalties. Scroll down to check out a few of my favourite places to enjoy the matches.

Also don't forget that Monday is «Frauenstreik». Scroll down to check out how you can fight for womens rights and equality.

Have a great weekend and…


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Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips

Sport: Finally, 2020 In 2021


So…it’s finally here. Like most events scheduled for ’20, a year late but better late than never. I love the big football tournaments not least because the excitement and energy is infectious on those warm summer nights. But where to watch? There are plenty of outdoor and public screenings in the city. Click the button for a few of my favourites.


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Concert: Samba de Schiffbau


There is something about Brazilian music that gets even the most reluctant of hips shaking and Moods are going to be celebrating Brazilian music with the Solar Festival. Friday night sees vocalist Simone Santos hit the stage with pianist Yara Borges playing on Saturday.


Fri & Sat 8pm, Moods, Schiffbauplatz, 8005


Shopping tip: Good For The Soul


So much stuff gets sold online these days that you never get a chance to try it out. And with cosmetic items it is doubly important to smell products and feel them on your skin. Well this Saturday, a pop-up from Because It Is Good featuring small (normally online,) producers will allow you browse and try at Japanese restaurant Söko. As well as great food and products 10% of the proceeds will go to the women shelter Violetta.


Saturday 11am, Söko, Kalkbreitestrasse 33, 8003


Eating: Urban Scrumptiousness


It’s been a long time since i’ve been able to talk about the Fork & Bottle’s younger brother but Urban Fork is playing host to «Bad Behaviour» a new lunch time pop-up on Wednesday through Friday. A mere glance at their menu of «Scrumtious Sarnies» and «Sexy Shakes» has got my tastebuds into overdrive. If you are near by to Limmatplatz it’s a great place to get a spot of lunch.


Weds - Fri 11:30am - 1:30pm, Urban Fork, Ackerstrasse 5 8005


Good to know: Strike For The Rights...


Believe it or not it women first got the right to vote in Switzerland in 1971 and women rights and equality have lagged behind most of mainland Europe. But on Monday the women of Switzerland will be rising up to demand better pensions, equal pay and above all, respect. There are demonstrations taking place all across the country which can be found here. Let’s celebrate this 50th anniversary with some real progress.


Monday 2:30pm onwards, Helvetiaplatz, 8004


Audiolicious: No Fussball In Fussbar


Now that the summer is here (ahem,) what better place is there to spend a balmy evening than at Barfussbar. (Especially if you are trying to escape the football.) The Frauenbadi provides a beautiful backdrop for an apéro or ten and, on Wednesday, local acts «Mischgewebe» provide, to quote the great bard, the food of love.


Wednesday 8pm, Barfussbar, Stadthausquai 12, 8001


FUMETTO presents Lawrence Grimm |  Instagram @lawrence.grimm


Good to know: Let's Get Voting


Direct democracy. Don’t cha’ just love it. This Sunday the Swiss voters hit the polling station with interesting topics at local, cantonal and national level, that require the consent of the people. Click the button for local or for national to find out more…

Canton Zurich
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