Thu, 14.03.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 14.03.2024: Patrick, Róisín & Kodo




Yes, my birthday is coming up soon so please put Tuesday 30th April in your diary. «So…how will you celebrate?» i hear you say. Well, i’m glad you asked. I have a big party planned and there will be some special Ron related treats all the way through April. And don’t worry, although the party is on a Tuesday the following day is a bank holiday which means… no work and no excuses! Yay!

But enough about about me, there is plenty to celebrate over the next few days so enjoy
a great weekend Ronsters and don't forget...

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda


Speaking of celebrations St Patrick’s day is this weekend, you can celebrate a snowboard pioneer if you fancy a trip out of town or you can just celebrate life by checking out a gig, buying a bike or checking out some cinema. Whatever you do, HAVE FUN!

Thursday: Love the garden? This is for you?
Every wall of the city becomes a cinema
Get around the city for cheap. Buy a bike at Velobörse
Saturday: Celebrate snowboard pioneer Jake Burton
Saturday: Drums and symbolism with Kodo, the magic drummers of Japan. Scroll down to win tickets
St Patrick’s Day: Click for my (short,) list or scroll down
Róisín Murphy hits the stage at X-Tra

Contest: The Magic Drummers Of Japan

Contest: The Magic Drummers Of Japan

I'm totally enamored with the rich tapestry of Japanese culture, where every little thing is packed with deep symbols and hidden stories. Guess what? This Saturday, the super-cool drumming squad Kodo is hitting up Zurich to drop some seriously awesome beats with their latest creations, «Tsuzumi» and «Warabe». More good news! I have 1 x 2 tickets to give away. Click the link or buttons find out how to win.

Sat 8pm, The Hall, Hoffnigstrasse 1, Dubendorf, 8600


Fumetto presents: Elizabeth Pich

Fumetto presents: Elizabeth Pich |  Instagram @fffungirl

Good to know: Craic-Heads

Good to know: Craic-Heads


Sunday is the day when the whole world turns green: St Patrick's Day. Of course, Zurich has its very own connection to Ireland, as James Joyce, one of the world's most important writers, lived in Zurich. But let's be honest, St Patrick's Day is all about the «craic» and drinking numerous pints of Guinness. So I've put together a little list of places that should evoke the spirit of Ireland for you.

Zurich's Squares In Interview: Hallwylplatz

Zurich's Squares In Interview: Hallwylplatz


After Röntgenplatz and Idaplatz, Hallwylplatz was ready to share its story with me for my interview series featuring various Zurich squares. I was astounded by how laid-back and selfless this guy is, even though he often stands in the shadow of other squares. See for yourself, here's the interview.

Zurich's Squares In Interview: Idaplatz

Zurich's Squares In Interview: Idaplatz


I was fortunate to be able to conduct an interview with the star of District 3, the Idaplatz. I was amazed to be permitted to address the Idaplatz informally so in the interview i simply call her Ida. And i learnt quite a bit about Ida besides. Click the button to find out what she had to say.


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the tide is high again!

21.03.2024 | 19:00 | Mame

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