Thu, 04.04.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 04.04.2024: Sitar, Vinyl & Happenings


How's the head Ronster?


Did you try the Ron shots yesterday at Olé Olé? I hope your head isn’t pounding today because it’s full speed ahead with my 20th birthday specials which i am giving away every weekday this month. But you have to be quick. My dear friends from the Paranoia City bookstore have selected 6 books, which they are giving away once each today in honour of me. Scroll down and click to find out more details as well as the other giveaways for the upcoming week. Have a great weekend and…

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature
p.s. I'll have full details of my party next week.

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda


Some great stuff this week. Something fun for the gourmands, some interesting and diverse gigs and if you still don't have any records for the turntable you got for Christmas, we've got that covered too!

Human rights on film at Riff Raff
Saturday: Terrior on the lake. Don’t worry, it’s delicious
Saturday: Bars in Kreis 4 «Kombine» for a festival
Sunday: Grab some vinyl at the Volkshaus
Monday: Have a rethink of your masculinity?
Tuesday: Anoushka Shankar and her Sitar visit Kaufleuten

Ron's Birthday Happenings

Ron's Birthday Happenings


As it’s my birthday there will be happenings and giveaways at some of my favourite places in the city. To find out more about the bookstore giveaway the rest of the weeks happenings click on the links below. Have fun and enjoy…


Fumetto presents: Fabian Meister

Fumetto presents: Fabian Meister |  Instagram @fabianshideout

Comic im April: Fabian Meister
Photo: zvg

Comic im April: Fabian Meister


In April, my comics will become «wormy and precisely scribbled,» as Fabian Meister describes his own drawing style. Recently awarded the Pulsar Advancement Award at Fumetto, Fabian shared even more insights with me in the interview — including an impressively long and imaginative list of things and activities he wanted to become as a child. I'm looking forward to all the diverse comics.

Zurich's Squares In Interview: Römerhof
Photo:  Baugeschichtliches Archiv, Wolgensinger Michael

Zurich's Squares In Interview: Römerhof


After my interviews with Idaplatz, Röntgenplatz, Paradeplatz, Hallwylplatz, Bürkliplatz, Lindenplatz, and Piazza Cella, my next and final coup follows. I had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Römerhof in District 7 - here we go.


Name: Römerhof
Date of Birth: Originally part of Zurich since the Middle Ages. From 1895 onwards, shaped by the operation of the Dolderbahn. In short: Old as the hills, but young at heart.
Status: In a long-standing relationship with the Dolderbahn
Occupation: Stationmaster and Chef
Interests: Speaking French and riding trains
Quote: «Where the Dolderbahn starts, the journey does not end - the adventure begins here.»

Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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