Thu, 29.02.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 29.02.2024: Jass, Comedy & Photography


How's It Going Ronster?


A lot can happen in a week. If you hadn’t heard of golfer Georgia Ball last week, you probably have now. Amazing that she kept her cool after «mansplaining» was taken to an Olympic level. What? Ronster, really? You haven’t heard about this. Click this link to check it out.


Speaking of watching, i finally sat down and watched «The Greatest Night in Pop» on Netflix. Well worth a watch if just for the very open footage of a 26 year old Michael Jackson. Have great weekend and…


Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda

Listen up Ronsters (read up? look up?): i've got a packed week for you, including museum exhibits, a local band, dance and even a course to check out, as well as some comedy (because goodness knows we all need it). Not to mention, of course, the concert listicle for March (and it is a doozy this month.) Have a good week!

Thursday: Iranian photography exhibit begins
Thursday: Romanian comedy in Zurich
Saturday: 2020:Obscene dance
Monday: The Trio from Hell at El Lokal
Wednesday: Card game? Jass please!

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Game: The mysterious ways of jass

Game: The mysterious ways of jass

You've heard whispers of it in the shadows. Rumours of a game played in the ancient halls of Zurich. All your Swiss friends know it, and understand it (maybe... maybe they're pretending they do). You can't figure out the strange symbols, but something tells you: You must. Or you will never belong.

I am of course talking about the Swiss card game jass. It's around 200 years old and a staple of Swiss culture. But to someone who has no idea how it works, it can seem rather convulated and impossible to understand. However, now is your chance. Fischer Spielevents is hosting a course for those of you who wish to learn, so you can impress your usually impossible to impress Swiss friends. Registration is required before.

Wednesday 6:30pm, fit4school Oerlikon, Otto-Schütz-Weg 3, 8050


Fumetto presents: Gabri Molist

Fumetto presents: Gabri Molist |  Instagram @gabrimolist

Good to know: Back To The Polls For The Swiss

Good to know: Back To The Polls For The Swiss


Staggering to the polling booth after a night out might not sound like fun but, if you have a right to vote, then get out and do it! You’ll really miss it if its taken away. This Sunday the good people of Switzerland head to the polling booth to vote on the future of their pensions and the people of Zurich have a few decisions to make on airports, protests and public access to the lake. Click the buttons below for a quick overview of what's what.

Concert: 31 Gigz For March

Concert: 31 Gigz For March


Lot's of shows in Zurich this month as the Spring/Summer touring season warms up. I have listed a whopping 31 shows this month, one for every day. And it is worth noting that i only included non German speaking artists. If you want to check out the list that includes German speaking artists click here. I hope you can enjoy a show or ten.

Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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