Thu, 22.02.2024

Zurich (EN) : Zurich 22.02.2024: Dance, Bargains & Burnside


Good Morning Ronster


I’d like to start the weekend by giving a special shoutout to you Ronster. Yes, you Ronster! You’re awesome and we all ♥︎♥︎♥︎ you.

Have a great weekend and...

Give my love to the city
Ron’s Signature

Zurich Photo Trip
Zurich Photo Trip

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  Ron's Tips
Ron's Weekly Agenda

Ron's Weekly Agenda

Concert: The Yann and the restless

Concert: The Yann and the restless

French composer and musician Yann Tiersen is doing his European tour a bit differently: he's doing it solo. And i don't mean without a band. i mean he is alone. No crew, no nothing. Just him and his van. He'll be visiting smaller towns (i guesss Zurich counts?) and staying with friends, fans and promoters and venue owners. You my recognise his stuff from movies such as «Amélie» or «Good Bye Lenin», but this tour will be more of a celebration of his latest album, «Kerber». So, kerber your enthusiasm and get your tickets now.

Sunday 7pm, X-TRA, Limmat 118, 8005


Fumetto presents: Gabri Molist

Fumetto presents: Gabri Molist |  Instagram @gabrimolist Coffee In A Tube? Let's Make It Work! Coffee In A Tube? Let's Make It Work!


Coffee in a tube? It sounds crazy until you hear of Alex and Philippe’s idea to create an easy to use (and tasty) coffee for outdoor adventures. Their new enterprise is called No Normal coffee and they are currently finding funding with my very good friends at Crowdify. They really do have some fantastic goodies from parties to supplies of their coffee. I can’t wait to try it so let’s get this one over the line.

The rise of the de-influencer

The rise of the de-influencer

Alright. It seems like everyone and their mother these days is an influencer. There's the gym folk telling you their regimen, diet and favourite protein powders. The make-up fiends convincing that, seriously, this mascara will change your life and this lip filler is sent from God. Bookstagram and Booktok tell you you have to read this book, or this series that has 17 books in it, or to add these 150 books to your TBR (to be read list). Curly haired girls tell you their routine to get the perfect curls, and at some point you just want to shave your head and be done with it. Suddenly you look around and you have piles of stuff. Literally everywhere. But you think it's ok, because influencers are showing you their piles of stuff, and it's nice to look at and know you aren't insane...

So what are de-influencers? Well, just that. They're here to tell you that maybe you don't need 50 lipsticks, or 17 colors of Stanley cups. More and more people are realising that this unhinged consumerism is perhaps not sustainable. They have cheaper options, things that last longer, and how to cut down on those routines so it's not as stressful. I've put together a little list of Instagram/ TikTok accounts to check out if you're interested in being de-influenced. Click the buttons. Or don't...I'm not an influencer.
Click Here
To Not Be
Pictures around the world
Pictures around the world

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