Thu, 24.08.2017

Zurich (EN) : Zurich. 24.8.2017: Street treats, arty party & throwing some balls

Zurich Photo Trip → City Talk
Anniversary: Bicycle birthday

The Velowerkstatt is Zurich's very own maternity ward, hospital and retirement home for bicycles. For 25 years they've been designing new bikes, fixing broken ones, and sending old ones for use in Africa. This evening (Thursday) they'll be celebrating their 25th anniversary with an auction of 25 lovingly designed, unique bikes. Viewing starts at 6 pm, with the auction beginning at 7 pm. Only cash will be accepted, with a minimum bid of CHF 50.-. They'll also have a bar, and Swiss poet Renato Kaiser leading the auction.

Thursday 6 pm, Dynamo, Wasserwerkstrasse 21, 8006

Exhibition: Arty party

It's the Season Opening Party at Löwenbräukunst on Friday. The various galleries that make up the Löwenbräu site all have new exhibitions officially opening on Saturday (full list here), but if you want a preview to go along with your partying, then you'll get a sneak-peek on the Friday. The opening party will have live music by Luxus and Hermanos Gutiérrez, djs R.A.T and Baby Val, and, of course, plenty of food and drink. Free entry.

Friday 6 pm to 12 am, Löwenbräukunst, Limmatstrasse 270. 8005

Opening: Meet the future

Innovation has always been the engine that pushes us into future but, increasingly, cooperation and collaboration have become fundamental to solving our many challenges. With this in mind, Impact Hub have taken over the old Electric Power Station at Selnau and turned it into a space for entrepreneurs, start-ups and established companies to meet, share ideas and collaborate. It's called Kraftwerk and the opening party on Friday will give you a chance to look around, as well as enjoy the live music, djs and food trucks. Free entry.

Friday 6.30 pm to 2 am, Selnaustrasse 25, 8001

Festival: Street Treats → Guideline for the city

There's a street festival frenzy happening this weekend. Maybe it's just bad coordination, or a vague sense of panic setting in that summer is slowly packing away her golden trinkets for another year that has done it, but either way it's a good chance to cruise through town, open-air party-hopping. See here for the full list.

Opening: The science of beer

When a crazy scientist named Dr Wolf decides to open his very own craft beer brewery, i can't think of a single reason why i wouldn't want to go to the opening party. Dr Brauwolf is actually Zurich's very first craft beer brewery, and on Saturday the Grand Opening will give you a chance to try Dr Wolf's special beer creations, as well as enjoying some live music and food, all located in the brewery's garden.

Saturday 2 pm to 10 pm, Räffelstrasse 26, 8045

Shopping tip: Mercatino closing

Stroll along the river while sipping a drink and looking at vintage and designer pieces: Mercatino Rimini calls itself the nicest design-market in town. Absolutely justified, i think. On Monday, the market opens its stall for the last time this summer, so don't miss it.
Monday 7.30 pm - 11.30 pm, Rimini

Truth Facts
Eating: Tillsamman: Zurich's Swedish restaurant → Restaurant tips & reviews

I love food: Thai cuisine, Mexican, Japanese, Italian, you name it…. But Swedish? I only know it from Ikea until i found this small, hidden venue in the middle of Wiedikon, which offers the atmosphere and culinary delights of Scandinavia. I just had to give Tillsamman a try...

Pétanque: Best spots in town → Guideline for the city

It's almost the end of August and i've just realized that i haven't completed even half of my summer-bucket-list yet. One thing i want to try out this week: Playing pétanque. There are a few places in town where you can do this. Here yo'llu find my favourite spots.

Ron’s video gem: How deep is the ocean?

How deep is the ocean? How far down do you still find fish? This animation offers amazing insights and it will change the way you see the sea in less than two minutes.

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