Code Excursion

Code Excursion

Code Excursion


Wir organisieren Programmier-Erlebnisse für Frauen in der Stadt, den Bergen und am Meer.

Ort Fischbach-Göslikon
Gegründet 2017
Follower 0

Hej! Hast du Lust zu lernen deine eigene Webseite zu programmieren? Dann melde dich zum Code Excursion Herbstkurs an und lerne...

Bodenackerstrasse 21, 5535 Fischbach-Göslikon,

Bodenackerstrasse 21, 5535 Fischbach-Göslikon,

Wir organisieren Programmier-Erlebnisse für Frauen in der Stadt, den Bergen und am Meer.


Code Camp in Portugal

Digital and Detox Camp in Port (1)
Digital and Detox Camp in Port

Digital and Detox Camp in Port

Code Excursion is a Swiss - Swedish initiative to get women from any background interested in programming. You will spend about 25 hours learning about tech, but also have time for yourself, go surfing and practice yoga. We are going to the absolutely stunning Bukubaki Ecolodge located one hour North of Lisbon. You will learn the language and tools you need to feel confident talking about tech topics with developers. To reach that goal you will be taught how the internet, databases and servers work and besides that dive into Front-End Programming with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You sleep in treehouses, enjoy local food and amazing nature. We aim to make this week a joyful, enlightening and memorable one!

When: 31st March – 6 April 2019
Where: Portugal
More info: or don't hesitate to get in touch: [email protected]