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Vernetze dich mit deiner Stadt

Lerne Menschen in deiner Stadt kennen.

Ron inspiriert dein Stadtleben!

Ron inspiriert dein Stadtleben!

Ron verrät dir, was in der Stadt läuft

Schalte kostenlos Inserate

Schalte kostenlos Inserate

Oder finde Traumwohnung, Filmrolle oder dein neues Sofa

Für Macher

Für Macher

Zeig dich und dein Können der Stadt.


Lindy Hop Beginner Class

Lindy Hop Class for Beginners with Luciano and Meret You don’t need a partner or any prior experience to sign up. You are very welcome, even if you have two left feet :). In this class, you will learn both roles. If you don’t know Lindy Hop yet, check out our video on YouTube (above). 22.08.24 – 26.09.24 18:00 – 19:10 Uhr 6x 70 min Preis: 150.-/110.- (reduced)

Ein Tuk-Tuk parkt im Légère

Ich spüre immer noch die Burrata auf meiner Zunge zergehen, wenn ich ans Essen im Pop-up «La Tartina» zurückdenke. Darum hab ich mich doppelt gefreut, als ich hörte, dass es wieder Tartina-Köstlichkeiten zu geniessen gibt: diesmal nicht nur italienisch, sondern auch thailändisch inspirierte. Passenderweise heisst das neue Pop-up auch «Tuk-Tuk Tartina», und beheimatet ist es bis Ende August im Légère. Ich würde schnell einen Tisch reservieren.Bis 30. August Légère

Bad Bonn Kilbi Tickets

Tickets für Do und Fr Bei Interesse einfach melden.

Change into your better self. The game of non-coincidence shows your inner world.

The „game of noncoincidence" is an excitin Bulgarian board game that can be used by anyone to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. It is a process that can free players from the illusions and burdens they carry around with them, can free them. It is a process of self-discovery through the Inner Guide. As for the path; it is filled with noncoincidence -random challenges, realizations, overcoming obstacles, but also hugs, laughter, playfulness and whatever else you create! The adventure takes you through three levels - „The Mirror", „The Path" and „Life". Each of them offers different challenges and levels of self-awareness. „IN THE MIRROR" we look around us and encounter our inner world. We look at patterns, fears, traumas, illusions, resistances, their manifestations and causes. We open up various possibilities for transformation and connect with our personal source of strength. By clearing the mind and gaining clarity about the connections between our inner and outer world, we prepare ourselves to go deeper and meet „The Path" - the 2nd circle. Here the adventure leads us to the virtues of truth, justice, love, wisdom and virtue. We go through their challenges, our lessons for our consciousness. What gives us new strength and which personal sources can we use? We are enriched with new perspectives, possibilities and qualities. But what use are these to us if we don't put them into practice? And so we meet the 3rd round - „Life". We offer regulary playgroups. Please register by phone or e-mail for an appointment. Energy compensation works on donation. Next events: 01 June - 19:30 - 5 places still available 04 June - 19:30 - 5 places still available 09 June - 19:30 - 5 places still available 20 August - 19:30 - 7 places still available