Place: 8050 Zürich
Rooms: 1
Price: CHF 825.00
City of residence
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15 m2 Room close to Bhf Oerlikon, easy access to ETH and Uni.
I am looking for a replacement tenant for my room in Oerlikon. The room is approx. 15m2 and part of a 3-room apartment. You would share the apartment with a couple (i.e. bathroom and kitchen with balcony). The two are quiet, nice and very clean. The location is very well served by public transport and there are Aldi, Migros, Coop and Lidl nearby. All university and ETH locations are super quick and easy to reach. The highlight of the apartment is the...
Place: 8050 Zürich
Rooms: 1
Price: CHF 825.00
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