Michelle Sara Kernen

Michelle Sara Kernen

Michelle Sara Kernen


proudly married, mommy to Lee David, passionate blogger, sports fanatic, coffee & breakfast lover, gipsy soul, aesthete, minimalist

Meine Stadt Zürich
Follower 31
Overnight raspberry oats with caramelised bananas

Overnight raspberry oats with caramelised bananas

Winter is back, hopefully just for one day. Today we get a mixture of snow and rain. And I guess there's nothing good about it.. Beside being allowed to snuggle up into a blanket before the warmth comes back and will force me to stay outside all day long. So then let's enjoy the last day of winter inside with a warming breakfast, a cup of tea and a movie. Overnight raspberry oats with caramelised bananas (2 servings)+ 1 cup oats+ 1/2-3/4 cup milk of your choice (I used almond milk)+ 1/2 lemon squeezed+ 1/3 cup (fresh / frozen) raspberries+ 1 banana chopped+ 1 table spoon honey+ 1 tea spoon cinnamon+ 2 table spoons almonds chopped+ 1 table spoon butter (or coconut oil for vegans)Combine the oats, milk, raspberries and lemon juice. Store in an airtight container over night. If desired add a bit more liquid / yoghurt to it before eating. Lightly mash the bananas together with the cinnamon, chopped nuts and honey in a bowl.Melt butter and add banana almond mixture. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until bananas start to caramelise. Add caramelised banana mixture to the oats. 

Der schönste Ort in der Stadt:
The alley leading to Bullingerplatz, Zürich

proudly married, mommy to Lee David, passionate blogger, sports fanatic, coffee & breakfast lover, gipsy soul, aesthete, minimalist

Der schönste Ort in der Stadt:
The alley leading to Bullingerplatz, Zürich
An diesem Ort kann ich mich am besten entspannen:
at home with hubs and bebe
Meine Lieblingsbar:
Eldorado, Raygrodski
Da nehme ich noch einen Schlummi:
Grand Café Lochergut
In einem Film über mein Leben, würde mich dieser Schauspieler verkörpern:
Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Olivia Wilde
Ich bin
In einer Beziehung
Ich suche eine/n
Meine Grösse (in cm)
Mirela Cama