
It helped me a lot to write a list, why I don't want her back. Because often my heart still longs for her and so I don't forget why it wouldn't work anymore.
And furthermore there are a lot of instagram accounts with phrases that helped me a lot as well. Find the ones that fit to you.

Well, frankly. I coped in the past by feeling the pain and crying, by journaling, by acknowledging the the time we had together and being thankful for it and eventually I could let go if the pain.
Those times I pushed it away and rather deflected ans distracted from the pain, I experienced that afterwards it was even worse to handle it…
How do you do it?

Thanks for sharing your information I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Well, I hope that you and I will do well in the future and I will definitely visit your website.

This is a very difficult topic to discuss. Each of us has our own recipe for how to handle the situation. Maybe you'll feel better if you listen to breakup songs breakupangels.com It helped me a lot when I broke up with my girlfriend